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DotsLive is a Community Platform for Project-Based Learning and Mentorship. We improve collaboration between corporations, ecosystem partners, business schools and their students, giving them the tools they need to accurately evaluate teamwork behaviour, crowdsource ideas, unlock innovation and drive personal career development and growth.
DotsLive’s main focus in its features is teamwork and collaboration online! Some of the features include Cohorts, which focuses on team deliverables, and CornerChat and WhiteBoard that focus on visual brainstorming and effective communication. Using these collaboration tools, you are able to work with other students successfully.
DotsLive offers talent pipelining for different organizations! As a result, you can be a candidate for job recruitments that will be running on DotsLive.
As a mentor in a community, it is important to share your knowledge on specific topics through events. By thoroughly answering any questions and talking with the participants, they will be able to gain valuable insights. To add on, by reviewing their work and providing feedback, they will be able to effectively learn and improve their deliverable.
With the team deliverables and tasks that you have for your students in a cohort, you can check the progress by seeing if they are in progress, completed, or under review.
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My Hub
Corner Chat
My Hub
My Hub allows users to access key features of DotsLive including events (stream events and corner chats), cohorts, appointments, and user profile. You can join events simply by just a click or you can even RSVP the events for joining later. The cohort list is at the center of the hub where you can know how many cohorts you are currently in and whether the cohorts are private/public. The calendar on the right is an excellent feature that you can use to check the upcoming events or any appoinment you are going to have in a certain day.